TMT is U.S oriented international logistic company, operating since 2012 in Pakistan, though TMT Logistics N.A was incorporated in USA in the year 2003. TMT has developed a reputation within the Pakistan EXIM community as a go-getter freight forwarder under the stewardship of Mr. Waqas Ahmed; who has twenty years’ experience in this industry; and is capable of resolving the issues no matter what ever the challenge is. Our business model is based upon the customer’s needs and to give services which are always appreciated by our clients. Having acquired this experience, the real hard way, has also helped us develop a unique time-sensitive value driven culture within the staff of our company. We cater to Imports -Exports Cargo and handle it with total ease ,be it a Ocean or Air. Our U.S sister company , a complete outfit which additionally handles Customs / Trucking and Warehousing by having 3 warehouses of 19000, 35000 and 80,000 Sqft. In NY/NJ area.